KKD Dental Cabinet
We, the Kentzler-Kaschner Dental company, well appreciated as manufacturer and distributor of dental products, supply from our head office in Ellwangen/Jagst well known quality products to dealers all over the world.
You will find our well-assorted sales programme in our catalogues below – available for looking through the pages directly online or as PDF file for download.
Additional services: besides our professional assortment custom-made products are a natural and frequently practised service of our Production Department.
Many of our products can be manufactured under private label as trademark. It's our pleasure to support you with our know-how for the development of tools for the serial production of special parts and materials for dental use.
Our competent in-house staff and field representatives ensure individual customer care, professional specialist advice and trainings.
Note: Discover also our nationwide event-, training- and exhibition programme on our website.

Separat Chapters:

Radiographing – Right angle-/Paralleling technique
- RWT® COLOR SAYETY bite blocks
- RWT® COLOR Holder - individual parts & assortments
- RWT COLOR window x-ray® Holder - individual parts & assortments
- Manual & Accessories

Rubber Dam Technique
- Rubber dam sets
- Clamp Assortments, Clamp Boards
- Sympatic Dam – rubber dam
- Rubber dam frames
- KKD® Clamps: „Standard" & „triColor Antireflect"
- Rubber dam forceps & Accessories
- New Haller Clamp acc. to Dr. Landenberger

- Diagnostics
- Conservative Dentistry
- Endodontics
- Surgery
- Implantology
- Periodontal Instruments
- Scissors
- Needle holders
- Extraction
- Crown- & Bridge Removal
- Instrument Markings and -Care
- Telescope-/Technical Pliers

- Impression trays
- Impression material
- Cutting insturment
- Resins for direct relinings & accessories
- astron® special resins – made in USA
- astron® CLEARsplint® Discs
- Accessories

- Instrument trays
- SteWaFix Instrument racks
- Cleaning agents
- Special cleaning brushes
- Anti-fog protection glasses
- Study Model
- Cold spray / Care products